Total Service Management
Excellent service experience is the key to create repeated customers and fans for a brand. We know that upgrading service experience is not a one-man job, but requires the coordination and execution of different departments and function units.
策略評估 Assess
Before moving forward, it is important to know where we are now. Tiptop helps you understand your service quality through mystery shoppers, and customer voice with focus groups and customer research.

全面共識 Align
Heroism seldom works in service enhancement. Tiptop consultants help you foster collaboration and coordination across departments and functional units through alignment meetings and special reinforcement taskforce meetings.

多元訓練 Acquire
Equipping teammates of all levels with the right mindset and skillset is crucial to the success of service enhancement. Tiptop consultants provide an interesting, interactive, and practical learning experience and knowledge transfer for store managers, frontline staff, and back-office support team to prepare the entire company for the greater challenge ahead.

實務應用 Apply
Training alone is not enough, driving learning transfer is essential to service excellence. Tiptop’s field coaching helps your retail team solve problems and remove obstacles in putting the mindsets and skills learned into practice and working habit.

持續執行 Ascertain
Building a service culture and fueling the passion is crucial for long-term success. Tiptop consultants can help you design regular audits and enforcement mechanism that foster constant improvement and breakthroughs in service experience.